Hollandia Full Cream UHT Milk 1 Liter x 10


Hollandia Full Cream UHT Milk is also known as ‘fresh milk’. It has a natural milk taste and is easy to drink because it does not require boiling or mixing. As a wholesome, healthy food supplement it is packed with entire essential nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, calcium, minerals & vitamins to give you that wholesome […]

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Hollandia Full Cream UHT Milk is also known as ‘fresh milk’. It has a natural milk taste and is easy to drink because it does not require boiling or mixing. As a wholesome, healthy food supplement it is packed with entire essential nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, calcium, minerals & vitamins to give you that wholesome goodness of fresh milk.

Full Cream Milk 3.5% Fat: Protein, Carbohydrate, Calcium.
Sterilized milk.
No preservatives.

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