2Sure Fresh Lemon 500ml


2Sure Fresh Lemon Dishwashing Liquid 2Sure Fresh Lemon Dishwashing Combines the benefits of lemon as a powerful cleaning agent with its ultra sharp grease cutting power to give your plates, pots and pans a fresher and longer lasting 2sure clean. One drop is all you need to get the job done and make your kitchen […]
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2Sure Fresh Lemon Dishwashing Liquid

2Sure Fresh Lemon Dishwashing Combines the benefits of lemon as a powerful cleaning agent with its ultra sharp grease cutting power to give your plates, pots and pans a fresher and longer lasting 2sure clean. One drop is all you need to get the job done and make your kitchen sparkle. 2Sure Dishwashing Liquid easily removes grease, leaving your dishes shining bright and residue free.

Volume: 500ml

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